The world is in your hands, goes the saying! And is so their care, we add. A spate of articles on how your hands are by what your hygienic levels are gauged, read and re-read...and ignored!! Let us enlighten you, it’s all true! Your hands narrate your well being, and At Vert, we not only present to you, solutions, we walk you through the experience Au naturale!
Your mitts bear more through the day, than you realize. From the moment you pick up your first cup of tea till you switch off your room lights...do you think for a moment the stress and toil they undergo? The brunt of all your toils! It would be practically impossible to calculate. Apart from external factors as your lifestyle, profession and weather extremities, the internal factors as personal hygiene, skin type and nourishment are as, or more, effectual in defining the health of your hands....and nails!
Yes, Your nails speak volumes too, and require tender , love and care as much as the rest of you. With Vert it’s a cake walk! The one stop hand and nail solution for the perfect pair of mitts that you just wouldn’t stop flaunting!
Try Vert Almond Lavender Hand and Nail Cream, a beautiful blend of Fresh Cocoa Butter imbibing skin smoothening properties, Vitamin A & E enriched Almond oil, Aloe Vera keeping the formula light & strengthening cuticles, anti-inflammatory Bees Wax, Aqua, coconut oil, Rose Water, Lavender oil, preservatives.
Vert Shea Butter Lemon Hand & Nail Cream is a hydrating divine blend of Shea butter, strengthening and healing benefits of Almond oil & Soya oil, added to that, Lemon juice to fight free radicals, soothing Coconut oil, Rose water, Bees Wax.
Go Vert!! Redefine the way you take beauty in your hands.....Literally so!